Eleonora Di Fatta

Docente a contratto

Eleonora Di Fatta si è laureata in Traduzione e Interpretariato nel 2000. Dal 2002 lavora presso la Direzione Scientifica dell’IRCCS Associazione Oasi Maria SS. di Troina (EN) occupandosi, tra l’altro, della la stesura in lingua inglese di pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste internazionali con Impact Factor.

Presso l'Università di Catania è docente a contratto di Inglese Scientifico per :

  • Corso di Laurea in Terapia Occupazionale,
  • Laurea magistrale in Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie,
  • Corso di Laurea in Tecniche sanitarie di laboratorio biomedico
  • Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurologia e Neurochirurgia
  • Laurea magistrale in Biotecnologie mediche
  • Corso di Laurea in Scienze Infermieristiche

nonchè è stata docente di Inglese presso il Corso di Laurea in Lettere Moderne e Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università Kore di Enna.

Inoltre, da più di 25 anni, la Prof. Di Fatta lavora come interprete e traduttrice freelance per riunioni, eventi, conferenze, nonché con istituti di formazione per corsi di lingua inglese.

pubblicazioni come autore


2008                                                         Buono, S.,  Mongelli, V., Carrubba, A., Di Fatta, E., Mascali, G., Trubia, G. (2008). The

Condition of adults with ID: A comparative study on health and life status. Journal of

Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Vol. 5, N. 1, pp. 25Acknowledgments in: Dimitri D. et al. "tDCS and behavioral training, a promising tool for a tailor-made post-stroke aphasia rehabilitation: A review". Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (in press)





in pubblicazioni scientifiche



2022                                                         Acknowledgments in: Fallea A, Zuccarello R, Roccella M,  Quatrosi G, Donadio S, Vetri V, Calì f. Sensory-adapted dental environment for the treatment of patients with
autism spectrum
disorder. Children 2022, 9(3) 393; https://doi.org/10.3390/children9030393 


2021                                                         Acknowledgments in: Zettin M, Bondesan C, Nada G, Varini M, Dimitri D. Transcranial Direct-Curent Stimulation and Behavioral Training, a Promising Tollo for a taolor-Made Post-stroke Aphasia Rehabilitation : a Review. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Doi :10.3389/fnhum.2021.742136


2021                                                         Acknowledgments in: Di Rosa G, Nicotera AG, Turriziani L, Costanzo MC, Stracuzzi E, Vitello GA, Galati Rando R, Musumeci A, Vinci M, Musumeci SA, Calì F. Role of COMT V158M Polymorphism in the Development of Dystonia after Administration of Antipsychotic Drugs  Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 1293. https://doi.org/10.3390/ brainsci11101293


2021                                                         Acknowledgments in:  Musumeci A, Vinci M, L’Episcopo F, Ragalmuto A, Neri V, Roccella M, Quatrosi G, Vetri L, Calì F. Implementation of sample pooling procedure using a rapid SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Real-Time PCR test performed prior hospital admission of people with intellectual disabilities. Int. J. Environ. Res. Publi Health 2021, 18, 9317. https:// doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18179317


2021                                                         Acknowledgments in:  Leonardi MM, Di Blasi FD, Savelli E, Buono S. “Reading and Spelling Disorders in a school-based population screening in Sicily (Italy)”. Dyslexia DOI: 10.1002/dys.1694


2021                                                         Acknowledgments in: Buono S et al.  Clinical management of individuals with Intellectual Disability: the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic as experienced in a clinical and research center Research in Developmental Disabilities. In press  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103856


2020                                                         Acknowledgments in: Schepis C, Lentini M, Calì F. An odd precocious case of Progressive Osseous Heteroplasia. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2020 Oct 21. doi: 10.23736/S0392-0488.20.06736-X. Online ahead of print.


2020                                                         Acknowledgments in: Calì F, Failla P, Vinci M, Siragusa M, Schepis C. A de novo mutation of KRT1 in a baby girl causing epidermolytic ichthyosis with impressive epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma. Dermatol Online J. 2020 Jul 15;26(7):13030/qt6642w2p4.


2020                                                         Acknowledgments in: Vitello A. et al. Possible implication of undescribed SMN1-SMN2 genotype in chronic EMG-pattern of SMA with transitory acute denervation. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions (JMNI) 2020; 20(4):610-613


2019                                                         Traduzione articolo di  Zettin M, Leopizzi M, Galetto V. How does language change after an intensive treatment on imitation? Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2019 Oct;29(9):1332-1358. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1406861. Epub 2018 Jan 11.


2019                                                         Traduzione articolo di Buscemi A, Pennisi VRapisarda APennisi A, Coco M. Efficacy of osteopathic treatment in patients with stable moderate-to-severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized controlled pilot study.  Complement Integr Med. 2019 Aug 23. pii: /j/jcim.ahead-of-print/jcim-2018-0128/jcim-2018-0128.xml. doi: 10.1515/jcim-2018-0128. [Epub ahead of print]



2019                                                         Acknowledgements in Puzzo D.  IN SÆCULA SÆCULORUM “Il tempo della creazione” IN SÆCULA SÆCULORUM “The time of creation”. PH 2019 ;1:1-14


2019                                                         Acknowledgements in Nicotera AG, Calì F, Vinci M, Musumeci SA. GRIN2A: involvement in movement disorders and Intellectual Disability without seizures. Neurol Sci. 2019 May 16. doi: 10.1007/s10072-019-03923-2.


2019                                                         Acknowledgements in Siragusa M, Lentini M, Schepis C. Impressive reddish nodules with neoplastic-like appearance in a patient with Alzheimer's disease. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology (in press)


2019                                                         Acknowledgements in Schepis C, Siragusa M, Centofanti A, Vinci M, Calì F. Two siblings affected by Netherton/Comèl syndrome. Diagnostic path and description of a  new SPINK5 variant. Dermatol Online J. 2019 Jul 15;25(7). pii: 13030/qt0881q3sk.


2019                                                         Acknowledgements in Schepis C, Siragusa M, Bottitta M,. Lentini M. “A small blackberry-like nodule on the nipple in a pregnant affected by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex” G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2019 Feb 4. doi: 10.23736/S0392-0488.19.06174-1.


2019                                                         Acknowledgements in: Calì F, Cantone M, Cosentino FII, Lanza G, Ruggeri G, Chiavetta

V, Salluzzo R, Ragalmuto A, Vinci M, Ferri R. Interpreting genetic variants: hints from a

family cluster of Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Parkinson's Disease 2019(9):203-206


2018                                                          Traduzione/revisione articolo di: Bosco FM, Parola A, Angeleri R, Galetto V, Zettin M, Gabbatore I. Improvement  of Communication Skills after Traumatic Brain Injury: The Efficacy of the Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment Program using the Communicative Activities of Daily Living. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2018 Nov 1;33(7):875-888


2018                                                         Acknowledgements in: Schepis C, Failla P, Siragusa M, Vinci M, Calì F. Novel SPINK5

variants in a patient with Netherton syndrome and intellectual disability. The diagnostic

value of trichoscopy. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2020 Apr;155(2):239-240.


2018                                                         Acknowledgements in: Vinci M, Fichera M, Musumeci SA, Cali F, Vitello GA. Novel c.C2254T (p.Q752*) mutation in ZFYVE26 (SPG15) gene in a patient with hereditary spastic paraparesis Journal of Genetics. J Genet. 2018 Dec;97(5):1469-1472.


2018                                                         Acknowledgements in: Schepis C, Failla P,  Siragusa M, Chiavetta V, Ruggeri,G Calì F. An interesting case of Piebaldism with cafè-au-lait macules and freckling: Targeted next-generation sequencing for molecular diagnosis. Eur J Dermatol. 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.1684/ejd.2017.3186


2017                                                         Acknowledgements in: Schepis C, Romano C.  Facies: the value of an old diagnostic tip in pediatric dermatology. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2017 Apr 19. doi: 10.23736/S0392-0488.17.05626-7. [Epub ahead of print]


2017                                                         Acknowledgements in: Schepis C, Siragusa M, Happle R. Psoriasis and alopecia areata in a Down syndrome patient: a Renbök phenomenon. European Journal of Dermatology 2017; 27(3)1:300-301 Mar 1. doi: 10.1684/ejd.2017.2977.











































Traduzione/revisione articolo di: Dimitri D, De Filippis D, Galetto V, Zettin M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and psychosensory stimulation through DOCS scale in a minimally conscious subject.  Neurocase. 2017 Apr;23(2):96-104.


Traduzione/revisione articolo di: Sacco K, Galetto V, Dimitri D, Geda E, Perotti F, Zettin M, Geminiani GC. Concomitant Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Computer-Assisted Training for the Rehabilitation of Attention in Traumatic Brain Injured Patients: Behavioral and Neuroimaging Results. Front Behav Neurosci. 2016 Mar 31;10:57.


Traduzione/revisione articolo di: Marini A, Galetto V, Tatu K, Duca S, Geminiani G, Sacco K, Zettin M. Recovering two languages with the right hemisphere. Brain Lang. 2016 Aug;159:35-44. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2016.05.014.


Acknowledgements in: Finocchiaro M, Di Blasi FD, Zuccarello R, Costanzo AA, Cantagallo C, Amata MT, Zingale M, Elia M. A case of savant syndrome in a child with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 167–174.


Acknowledgements in: Schepis C, Siragusa M, Palazzo R , Piraccini BM.  Multiple Melanonychia

as a sign of pituitary adenoma. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2013 Jun 13. doi: 10.1111/ced.12060


Acknowledgements in: Schepis C. Cutaneous findings in children with intellectual

disabilities. The Journal of Dermatology 2012; 39: 1–6



Acknowledgements in: L. SALVADOR-CARULLA, G.M. REED, L.M. VAEZ-AZIZI, S.-A.

COOPER, R. MARTINEZ-LEAL ET AL.  Intellectual developmental disorders: towards a

new name, definition and framework for “mental retardation/intellectual disability” in ICD

11. World Psychiatry 2011;10(3)175-180


Traduzioni di libri/volumi



Edizione 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019  2018/2019 Speciale Natale 2019/2020  2021/2022




























Traduttrice italiano-inglese e autrice di testi della   "Guida ai migliori ristoranti. Luoghi e

sapori di qualità della Sicilia." Ediz. italiana e inglese a cura di Carmelo Pagano. Editore

Sicilia da Gustare



Traduzione in italiano di: "Guida agli interventi mhGAP per i disturbi psichici, neurologici e

da uso di sostanze in contesti non specialistici. Versione 2.0" pubblicato

dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità nel 2016 con il titolo “mhGAP Intervention

guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health

settings: mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) - Version 2.0”.


Traduzione in italiano del libro "IN GRANDMA FILI' KITCHEN: OLD SICILIAN RECIPES"

By Rossana Savoca  ISBN-10: 1719912033 - ISBN-13 : 978-1719912037



Traduzione da inglese a italiano dei manuali “The Assessment of Functional Living Skills –The AFLS©” 



Traduzione italiano-inglese  Il Libro “Le ricette di ieri e di oggi – Un viaggio in Sicilia

attraverso i luoghi del gusto” Ediz. italiana e inglese a cura di Carmelo Pagano, Daniela

Sammito, Eleonora Di Fatta.  Editore Sicilia da Gustare


Traduzione dall’Inglese all’Italiano del volume Atlas: Global Resources for people with

Intellectual Disabilities – Atlas ID © WHO dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità  ©

2009 Città Aperta Edizioni s.r





Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020
    Corso di laurea in Terapia occupazionale - 1° anno

Anno accademico 2018/2019
    Corso di laurea in Terapia occupazionale - 1° anno