Obstetrical-gynaecological and pediatric sciences 1
Module General and Specialistic Pediatrics

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Manuela Clementina Maria CARUSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Aim of the course is to provide knowledges on physiology of the newborn and child and on the physiopathological mechanism responsible of main pediatric diseases; these will be the theoretical basis needed to be able to provide high quality pediatric nursing. Special relevance will be given to educational interventions and health care interventions which nurses need to develop in the field of pediatric diseases prevention

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respectto previous statement, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

Detailed Course Content

Physiopathology of the newborn; neonatal screening, physiopathology of growth,  main infectiuos diseases, vaccines, anemia, talassemia, fever, main respiratory diseases in the child, main gastrointestinal diseases in the child, obesity, diabetes, fever convulsion, epilepsy

Textbook Information

Pediatria per le Professioni Sanitari. Perrone,Esposito, Grano. Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi

-Elementi essenziali di Pediatria per i corsi triennali. Zuccotti. Ed. Esculapio

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Adattamento feto-neonatale alla vita extrauterinaPediatria per le Professioni Sanitari. Perrone,Esposito, Grano. Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi
2Valutazione e assistenza al neonato
3Screening neonatali ( e nozioni principali su fibrosi cistica, fenilchetonuria e ipotiroidismo congenito)
4Alimentazione nel primo anno di vita
6Fisiopatologia dell'accrescimento
7Obesità in età evolutiva
8La febbre nel bambino
9Diarrea, gastroenteriti, celiachia
10Convulsioni febbrili, epilessia
11Anemia sideropenica, talassemia e principali malattie neoplastiche nel bambino
12Malattie esantematiche e principali malattie infettive del bambino
14Diabete in età evolutiva
15Convulsioni ed epilessia