General surgery urology and Diagnostic Imaging 3
Module urology

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: SEBASTIANO CIMINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the student will develop the cognitive, clinical and communicative judgment skills, the requirements for taking charge of the person with greeting problems who will attend to urological competence, in an election and urgency regime, selected according to their relevance epidemiological and exemplary. It will also acquire knowledge on urological problems, regarding etiopathogenesis, epidemiology (in particular advanced advanced) and clinical aspects, and primary and secondary prevention, with elements that allow cultural and operational sharing of the use of technologies. in the diagnostic-therapeutic path. Problems treated: Urinary tract infections, Pathophysiology of urination (bladder filling and emptying problems), urological neoplasms, general post-operative management of the patient Urological short and long term. With respect to the selected clinical conditions of surgical interest, the student must be able to: Acquire notions on the surgical and endoscopic procedures of: Kidney, upper urinary tract, blisters, and prostate. Identify the main problems of the person undergoing surgery in the perioperative phase such as: management of cystoclysis, management of the catheter, management of urostomies, support for functional and rehabilitation recovery and the related nursing interventions, all based on scientific evidence. Furthermore, he must be able to identify educational interventions aimed at people who must face treatment at home or continue the authorization of the disease.

Course Structure

Lessons in person

Required Prerequisites

Preparatory exam

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

1. Anomalies of urinary tract: hypospadias, epispadias, megaureter, ureterocele, posterior urethral 

valves, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, cystic disease;

2. Haematuria: etiology, other sources of haematuria;

3. Urinary tract infections (lower and upper UTI) including: 

a. Tubercolosis; 

b. Sexually Transmitted Infections (like HPV);

4. Urolithiasis: etiology, diagnosis, medical and surgical management;

5. Urinary incontinence: continence mechanism, urodynamics, neurological bladder, urinary 

incontinence in women;

6. Lower urinary tract obstruction:

a. Uretral stenosis;

b. LUTS (lower urinary tract symptons): storage and voiding symptoms;

c. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: IPSS score, medical and surgical management;

7. Prostate cancer: PSA and other molecular biomarkers, diagnosis, medical and surgical 


8. Neoplasms of kidney and upper urinary tract, renal cysts;

9. Neoplasms of the bladder: diagnosis, disease management; 

10. Neoplasms of the testis;

11. Pathologies of the scrotum: testicular torsion, hydrocele, varicocele; 

12. Kidney trauma.

Textbook Information

 Porpiglia F. – “Urologia” – editore Minerva Medica

 Collegio dei Professori Universitari di Prima Fascia in ruolo e fuori ruolo- “Manuale di 

Urologia e Andrologia” - Pacini Editore Medicin

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
3Obstruction of the upper urinary tract
6Urological trauma
7Infections of the upper and lower urinary tract
8Male genitalia infections
9Kidney tumors
10Adrenal tumors
11Bladder tumors
12Upper urinary tract tumors
13Prostate cancer
14Testis cancer
15Male infertility and varicocele
16Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, dysphoria
17Urogenital malformation
18Urinary incontinence
19Urological prolapse
20Urological instruments
21Surgery for infertility
22Uretero-pelvic junction obstruction

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

TNM classification of prostate cancer

Complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia