Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE LANZA

Expected Learning Outcomes

To know the mechanisms and manifestations of impaired development and function of swallowing in developmental age

To know the neurobiology and main disorders of higher cortical functions

To know the learning disability of reading, writing, and numerical abilties

To know the disorders of praxis and the quantitative and/or qualitative alterations of the voice

Course Structure

Frontal interactive lessons, supported by slides, videos, and tutorials

Any seminar

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the phono-articulatory and swallowing system

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory, unless otherwise specified

Detailed Course Content

Swallowing disorders in childhood: neurogenic, neuromuscular, and functional dysphagia

Speech disorders due to hearing loss in childhood

Neurobiological correlates of the main higher cortical disorders: aphasia, agnosia, apraxia

Learning deficits in reading, writing, and numerical abilities, mainly included within the specific learning disorders

Developmental apraxia and childhood dysphonia

Textbook Information

L. Sabbadini. Disturbi specifici del linguaggio, disprassie e funzioni esecutive. Springer-Verlag Italia Editor (latest edition)

C. Vio, P. E. Tressoldi, G. Lo Presti. Diagnosi dei disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento scolastico. Erickson Editor (latest edition)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Swallowing disorders in childhood: neurogenic, neuromuscular, and functional dysphagiaTextbook, slides, any additional material
2Speech disorders due to hearing loss in childhoodTextbook, slides, any additional material
3Neurobiological correlates of the main higher cortical disorders: aphasia, agnosia, apraxiaTextbook, slides, any additional material
4Learning deficits in reading, writing, and numerical abilities, mainly included within the specific learning disordersTextbook, slides, any additional material
5Developmental apraxia and childhood dysphoniaTextbook, slides, any additional material

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What are the main causes of childhood neurogenic dysphagia?

What is the speech therapy approach to a specific learning disability?

What is the difference between aphasia, dysarthria, and dysphonia?