Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SALVATORE PIRO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The main objectives of the course are as follows:

-To provide essential knowledge on the physiopathology of the acute and chronic diseases (e.g. chronic intestinal disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, pancreatitis) and to identify their relationship and inter-dependency.

-To apply these skills to the full spectrum of diseases in human.

-To develop the transferable skills on acute and chronic diseases (including physiopathology, oral communication with patients, team work, decision making during diseases) between students and patients.

Course Structure

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites


Detailed Course Content

Diabete, pancreatiti acute pancreatiti croniche celiachia malattie acute renali malattie croniche renali malattie intestinali croniche (morbo di Crohn e rettocolite ulcerosa) - diabete mellito e inquadramento delle patologie su base autoimmune - distinzione tra malattie croniche e malattie acute in medicina interna; malattie croniche intestinali (morbo di Crohn e retto-colite ulcerosa) - celiachia e malattie da malassorbimento - insufficienza renale acuta e cronica - pancreatite acuta e cronica - cirrosi epatica

Textbook Information


Rugarli C., Nuti R., Caligaris Cappio F., Cantalamessa L., Cappelli G., Cappellini M.D., CavalloPerin P., Corazza G. R., Craxì A., Crea F., Fabbri L., Ferraccioli G., Giustina A., Lazzarin A., Stella A.P.

Elsevier-Masson Editore

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Fisiopatologia e patologia in medicina internaMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
2• Malattie acute e cronicheMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
3• Malattie intestinali da malassorbimentoMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
4• La celiachiaMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
5• La rettocolite ulcerosaMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
6• Il morbo di Crohnmedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
7• Le pancreatitiMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
8• Insufficenza renale acutaMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
9• Insufficenza renale cronicaMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
10• La cirrosi epaticaMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
11• L’alimentazione nel paziente cirroticoMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier
12• Il diabete mellito secondarioMedicina interna sistematica. Rugarli, Elsevier

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Write exam. Elements to be evaluated: relevance of the answers, quality of their contents, ability to connect with other topics within the program, ability to report examples, quality of technical language, and overall expressive ability.

To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, students can request a meeting in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measure, according to the educational goals and specific needs. In this case, it is advisable to contact the CInAP (Centre for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) professor of the Department where the Degree Course is included