Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Tommaso GUASTELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The purpose of the theoretical course of general surgery is to make students aware of the most important surgical diseases and surgical emergencies with the related symptoms and investigations, both of the laboratory and instrumental type. To investigate in more detail the pathologies of the neck, to recognize the surgical urgencies, the possible complications of surgical interventions that potentially involve speech therapy.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

The program aims to introduce the student of speech therapy to the surgical pathologies of greatest interest

Pathology and trauma of the neck region
Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism, benign and malignant neoplasms
Parotid and sub-mandibular gland disorders
Hiatal Hernia and GERD Reflux Disease
Disorders of esophageal motility: achalasia and esophageal diverticula
Trauma of the chest and respiratory emergencies

Textbook Information

H.F.A. Dudley "Chirurgia d'Urgenza"

Dionigi "Chirurgia"

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Urgenze respiratorieD.B.Clarke in H.A.F. Dudley "Chirurgia d'Urgenza"
2Pneumotorace, emotorace, empiema: drenaggio toracicoH.A.F. Dudley ''Chirurgia d'Urgenza'' - Dionigi "Chirurgia"
3Ernie ed eventratio diaframmaticheDionigi "Chirurgia"
4Accessi venosiH.A.F. Dudley ''Chirurgia d'Urgenza''
5I traumi del toraceH.A.F. Dudley '' - Chirurgia d'Urgenza''Dionigi "Chirurgia"
6Il collo: patologie e traumi H.A.F. Dudley ''Chirurgia d'Urgenza'' - Dionigi "Chirurgia"
7La tiroide e le paratiroidi: patologie e complicanze chirurgicheDionigi "Chirurgia"
8Ernia iatale e Malattia da Reflusso Gastro-Esofageo MRGEDionigi "Chirurgia"
9Disturbi della motilità esofagea: Acalasia e DiverticoliDionigi ''Chirurgia''
10Il laringe: patologie e traumiDionigi "Chirurgia"
11Parotide e ghiandole salivariDionigi "Chirurgia"