Clinical Psychology of Rehabilitation

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: CONCETTA DE PASQUALE

Expected Learning Outcomes

Acquisition of theoretical knowledge of general psychopathology. Description of syndromes and subdivision there of according to the psychic functions higher and the main signs and symptoms evaluated for each mental disorder.  Acquisition of the general principles of supportive care drug and psychotherapeutic type.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons
The lessons are held with the slides.

Required Prerequisites

A good knowledge of the main notions inherent to the discipline (psychic functions, affects, motivations, behaviors and biological brain correlates). 

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance of the lessons is optional, but strongly recommended as the lesson explores the issues related to the topics of the program. 

In addition, during the lectures, clinical cases will be presented that allow to acquire in greater depth the concepts of psychopathology reported in the text program.

Detailed Course Content

Psychopathology and clinical methodology.   Anxiety disorders. Dissociative disorders. Somatoform and psychosomatic disorders. Mood disorders. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Eating disorders. Personality disorders. Signs of psychiatric pharmacotherapy. Psychoterapies. 

Textbook Information

1. Pallanti Stefano. Psichiatria Elementare. Oltre il DSM 5. Carrocci Editore, 2016

 Pallanti Stefano.  Psichiatria Elementare. Oltre il DSM 5.Carrocci Editore2016ISBN: 8843082787

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Psychopathology and clinical methodology.   Anxiety disorders. Dissociative disorders. Somatoform and psychosomatic disorders. Mood disorders. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Eating disorders. Personality disorders. Signs of psychiatric pharmacotherapy. Psychoterapies. Pallanti Stefano, “Psichiatria Elementare”. Oltre il DSM 5. Carocci Editore, Collana Studi superiori, 2016 ISBN: 8843082787

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam 

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Distinction between pathological and non-pathological personality.

Clinical pictures of Schizophrenia

Somatoform disorders: nosography and clinical pictures

Definition of anxiety, fear and phobia and corresponding psychic disorders