Psychology and sociology
Module Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: MICHELE VECCHIO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to illustrate the main degenerative, autoimmune and traumatic pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system and the central and peripheral nervous system in a rehabilitative vision, where the objective appears to be, in addition to the knowledge of the basic diseases and their treatment rehabilitation, the integration and coordination of the various rehabilitation professionals (physiotherapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, psychiatric rehabilitation technician, etc.) in order to create and lead a team dedicated to rehabilitation.

Course Structure

Rehabilitation unit (code 56, long-term care, RSA, et cetera): mission, inclusion criteria, technological instrumentation and integration between the various rehabilitation professionals. Central nerve injuries and functional deficits (motor and cognitive) as outcomes related to the extent and site of injury. Pathologies of the second motor neuron, including peripheral neruopathies. Disability assessment scales (Barthel, FIM, et cetera). Spasticity assessment scales (Ashwoth and Tardieu). Principles of guided self-rehabilitation.


Required Prerequisites

Consolidated knowledge of anatomy and physiology

Detailed Course Content

Degenerative and traumatic diseases of the spine and rehabilitation; disorders of the CNS and rehabilitation; pathologies of the SNP and rehabilitation; instrumental therapy and EBM; rheumatic disease and rehabilitation treatment; traumatic and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system and rehabilitation treatment; functional assessment scales; utilities of the neurophysiological technique in rehabilitation; self-rehabilitation of spastic paresis. 
Integration between the various professional figures of rehabilitation (physiotherapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, psychiatric rehabilitation technician, etc.) in order to create and lead a team dedicated to rehabilitation.

Textbook Information

Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 4th Edition - W.Frontera

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Strutture riabilitative ( cod. 56, lungodegenza, RSA, et cetera) : missione, criteri di inclusione, strumentazione tecnologica ed integrazione fra i vari professionisti della riabilitazione . Dispense docente e slide lezione
2Lesioni nervose centrali e deficit funzionali (motori e cognitivi) quali esiti correlati alla estensione e sede di lesione. Dispense docente e slide lezione
3Patologie del secondo motoneurone, comprese le neuropatie periferiche. La Neurologia della sapienza. Berardelli , Cruccu. ppgg 403 - 446 Esculapio edizioni
4Distonie generalizzate e focale La Neurologia della sapienza. Berardelli , Cruccu. Esculapio edizioni
5Paresi spastica e scale di valutazione della spasticità ( Scala di Ashworth e Scale di Tardieu) Dispense docente e slide lezione
6Principi di autoriabilitazione guidata nella paresi spasticaDispense docente e slide lezione
7Entesiti; lesioni muscolari; Patologie polso e mano, Patologie anca (escluse fratture). Patologie della spalla. Protocolli riabilitativi in soggetti trattati con protesi anca e ginocchio. Protocolli riabilitativi dopo trattamento ortopedico delle fratture gamba, lesione LCA, lesioni meniscali, protesi spalla, ricostruzione cuffia dei rotatori, fratture vertebrali, fratture omero, fratture diafisi femorale, fratture polso.dispense docente e slide lezioni
8Patologie del rachide