Medicine sciences laboratory
Module CLinical Biochemistry and Molecular Clinical Biology

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: VINCENZA BARRESI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The phases that determine the results of the biochemical-clinical-molecular analyzes. The clinical question, the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases. Biological samples. The main laboratory methods applicable to the qualitative and quantitative study of analytes and biological processes; acquisition of the ability to correctly apply the methodologies aimed at obtaining useful data for the correct interpretation for the purposes of diagnosis and prognosis; ability to evaluate cost / benefit ratios in the choice of diagnostic procedures, taking into account the needs of both the correct clinical methodology and the principles of evidence-based medicine. At the end of the course, the student must be able to critically evaluate both the value of the methodologies relevant to the biomedical laboratory, and the meaning of the data that can be obtained relating to human pathological conditions, deepening the knowledge of clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology on a single pathology, evaluate the analytical and biological circumstances that can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the results, put them in relation to the different pathophysiological situations. The ability to interpret laboratory data based on the knowledge of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology will be the expected learning outcomes.

Course Structure

Classroom lectures.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of biology, physiology, chemistry and general biochemistry

Attendance of Lessons

attendance as required by the didactic regulations

Detailed Course Content

Working diagnosis, from biological sample to the clinical report  

Screening, Diagnosis, Monitoring of the progress of the disease and response to drugs

Pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phase

The error

Biological samples, blood, urine, faeces, CSF, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, biopsies, bone marrow aspirate.

Main techniques used in clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology.

Biochemical-clinical profiles useful in the biomedical laboratory and related laboratory investigations: glucose profile, protein profile, lipid profile, hydro-saline and acid-base balance.

The liver and liver diseases and laboratory investigations

Cardio-circulatory system and laboratory investigations for heart attack, angina and heart failure.

Blood and blood count

Clinical biochemical evaluation of an inflammatory state: ESR, white blood cell counts, acute phase proteins, CRP

Hemostasis and blood coagulation and coagulation alterations

Kidney, renal failure and laboratory investigations

Textbook Information

Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio, Marcello Ciaccio e Giuseppe Lippi, Edises

Biochimica Clinica Essenziale, Elisabetta Albi, Tommaso Beccari e Samuela Cataldi, Zanichelli

 Additional material supplied by the teacher; 

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Working diagnosis, from biological sample to the clinical report  Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio, Marcello Ciaccio e Giuseppe Lippi, EdisesBiochimica Clinica Essenziale, Elisabetta Albi, Tommaso Beccari e Samuela Cataldi, ZanichelliMateriale didattico fornito dalla docente
2Screening, Diagnosis, Monitoring of the progress of the disease and response to drugs            "
3Pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases            "
4The error            "
5Different types of biological samples            "
6Main techniques used in clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology.            "
7Biochemical-clinical profiles useful in the biomedical laboratory and related laboratory investigations: glucose profile, protein profile, lipid profile, hydro-saline and acid-base balance.          "
8The liver and liver diseases and laboratory investigations           "
9Cardio-circulatory system and laboratory investigations for heart attack, angina and heart failure.           "
10Blood and blood count        "
11Clinical biochemical evaluation of an inflammatory state: ESR, white blood cell counts, acute phase proteins, CRP        "
12Hemostasis and blood coagulation and coagulation alterations         "
13Kidney, renal failure and laboratory investigations          "  

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination. 

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

The evaluation of the knowledge acquired takes place through an oral exam. The grade is expressed on a scale of thirty, up to a maximum of 30/30 cum laude.

The following parameters will be taken into account to assign the final grade:

• Score 29-30 with honors: The student demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the topics, promptly and correctly integrates and critically analyzes the situations presented, independently solving even very complex problems. He has excellent communication skills and competently masters the language adopted in clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology.

• Score 26-28: The student has a good understanding of the topics, is able to integrate and analyze the situations presented critically and logically, explains the topics clearly using appropriate scientific language.

• Score 22-25: The student has a fair understanding of the topics, even if limited to the main areas. He is able to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented, although not always in a linear way, and presents the topics quite clearly with moderate linguistic competence.

• Score 18-21: The student has minimal knowledge of the topics, has a modest ability to integrate and critically analyze the situations presented and presents the topics clearly enough, although his/her linguistic competence may be poorly developed.

• Exam not passed: The student does not have the minimum required knowledge of the fundamental contents of the course. The ability to use a specific language is minimal or non-existent and the student is not able to independently apply the knowledge acquired.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Why request a laboratory investigation.

Diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity.


The blood count

Plasma lipoproteins
