Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ROSARIA ADDAMO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide the student with the fundamental notions and principles of sociology applied to economic, work and organization phenomena, also in the healthcare sector, also considering the main advances that characterize the research frontier in this discipline. 

In particular, the module intends to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge relating to the knowledge of the general socio-economic scenario and the knowledge of the transformations of the world of work. 

At the end of the course, the student must have acquired the ability to critically interpret the main socio-economic facts, as well as to interpret the main organizational dynamics.

Course Structure

The didactic activity will be articulated through lectures, with the help of conceptual maps of the most important sociological concepts, theories and institutions. Much space will have been given to the interventions of the students.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of Elements of Sociology.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is mandatory. The permitted absences must not exceed the percentage of the total hours envisaged by the Regulations of the Degree Course.

Detailed Course Content

First part:

Evolution of economic thinking and the labor market. Operation of economic systems in comparison. Classical authors and the labor market. Adam Smith and Karl Marx. Say's Law of Outlets. The Keynesian Theory and the dispute with the neoclassicals on unemployment. Shumpeter and the relationship between innovation and unemployment. Studies on the relationship between inflation and unemployment (general aspects, intensity and causes of inflation). The Phillips Curve. Subsequent theoretical interpretations: Samuelson and Modigliani. The Theory of Expectations. Demand inflation and its repercussions on the labor market. Lucas, Sargent, Wallace and the Theory of Rational Expectations.

Second part:

The sociology of work and organizations. The cognitive approach to organizational culture: Sense making, Decision making, Knowing. The Learning organization. The main organizational-business studies and modern models of work organization in the company. Taylorism and Fordism. Toyotism: Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) and company quality management. Deming and the P-D-C-A Cycle. The 3 "A" of Health. Audit as a tool for improvement. The School of Human Relations: Elton Mayo; Maslow and the Pyramid of Needs. Organizational change and 7S strategy.

Third part:

The two great contemporary transformations in the labor market. The Knowledge Economy. The phenomenon of the "polarization" of work. Digital transformation and the new working paradigms. The Sharing economy and the Sharing Economy. Coworking. Teleworking and Smart working: characteristics and differences. The Digitization of Italian Health. Telemedicine. Telerehabilitation. The role of training in the great transformation of work. Relationship between health and work. Stress and well-being at work. Sustainable work.


Textbook Information

For the first part (1):

- 1.1 – Trigilia, C., Sociologia economica, Vol. 1, Il Mulino, latest edition;

- 1.2 – Sobbrio, G., Corso int. di Economia, Trischitta, latest edition (chapters 5, 7, 8).

For the second part (2):

2.1 – Kreitner R. and Kinicki A., Comportamento organizzativo, Apogeo, 2013.


For the third part (3):

3.1 – Dagnino, E., Nespoli, F., Seghezzi, F. (edited by),
La nuova grande trasformazione del lavoro, ADAPT Labour Studies, n.62, University press, 2017 (only the topics indicated by the teacher).

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Evolution of economic thought and the labor market. Comparison of the functioning of economic systems. Classical authors and the labor market. Adam Smith and Karl Marx. Say's Law of Outlets. Keynesian theory and the dispute with the neoclassicals on unemployment. Shumpeter and the relationship between innovation and unemployment.Text 1.1; Text 1.2: Chaps. 5 (Part I) and 5 (Part II)
2The Theory of Expectations in the labor market. Text 1.2: Chapter 5 (Part II) 
3Studies on the relationship between inflation and unemployment (general aspects, intensity and causes of inflation). The Phillips Curve. Subsequent theoretical interpretations: Samuelson and Modigliani. Text 1.2: Chapter 7 (part II) 
4Demand-driven inflation and its repercussions on the labor market. Lucas, Sargent, Wallace and Rational Expectations Theory.Text 1.2: Chapter 7 (part II) 
5The Sociology of work and organizations. The cognitive approach to organizational culture: Sense making, Decision making, Knowing. The Learning organization. Text 2.1 
6The main organizational-business studies and modern work organization models in the company. Taylorism and Fordism. Toyotism: Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) and corporate quality management. Text 2.1 
7Deming and the P-D-C-A Cycle. Text 2.1 
8The 3 “A” 's of Healthcare. Audit as an improvement tool. Text 2.1
9The School of Human Relations: Elton Mayo; Maslow and the Pyramid of Needs. Organizational change and the 7S strategy. Text 2.1 
10The two great contemporary transformations in the labor market. The Knowledge Economy. The phenomenon of "polarization" of work. Text 3.1  
11Digital transformation and new working paradigms. The Digitalization of Italian Healthcare. Text 3.1 
12The Sharing economy and the Sharing Economy. Coworking. Text 3.1 
13Teleworking and Smart working: characteristics and differences. Telemedicine. Telerehabilitation.  Text 3.1
14The role of training in the great transformation of work. Text 3.1 
15Relationship between health and work. Stress and well-being at work. Sustainable work. Text 3.1

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The learning assessment will take place in oral form, in the established sessions and will require the analysis and graphic demonstration of the economic theories in the programme.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1. Evolution of economic thought and the labor market.

2. Comparison of the functioning of economic systems.

3. Classical authors and the labor market. Adam Smith and Karl Marx.

4. Say's Law of Opportunities.

5. Keynesian theory and the dispute with the neoclassicals on unemployment.

6. Shumpeter and the relationship between innovation and unemployment.

7. Studies on the relationship between inflation and unemployment (general aspects, intensity and causes of inflation).

8. The Phillips Curve.

9. Subsequent theoretical interpretations: Samuelson and Modigliani.

10. Expectancy Theory.

11. Demand-pull inflation and its repercussions on the labor market.

12. Lucas, Sargent, Wallace and Rational Expectations Theory.

13. The Sociology of work and organizations.

14. The cognitive approach to organizational culture: Sense making, Decision making, Knowing. The Learning organization.

15. The main organizational-business studies and modern models of work organization in the company. Taylorism and Fordism.

16. Toyotism: Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) and corporate quality management.

17. Deming and the P-D-C-A Cycle.

18. The 3 “A”s of Healthcare.

19. Audit as a tool for improvement.

20. The School of Human Relations: Elton Mayo; Maslow and the Pyramid of Needs.

21. Organizational change and the 7S strategy.

22. The two great contemporary transformations in the labor market.

23. The Knowledge Economy.

24. The phenomenon of “polarization” of work. Digital transformation and new working paradigms.

25. The Sharing economy and the Sharing Economy.

26. Coworking.

27. Teleworking and Smart working: characteristics and differences.

28. The Digitalization of Italian Healthcare.

29. Telemedicine.

30. Telerehabilitation.

31. The role of training in the great transformation of work.

32. Relationship between health and work.

33. Stress and well-being at work.

34. Sustainable work.