Module Anestesiologia

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Giuseppa LA CAMERA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The CdL aims to provide the main peculiarities of the application of audiprosthetic devices in critical patients, providing the basic elements of serious diseases with auricular involvement as well as the anesthesiological principles in ENT surgery.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

General and specific problems of anesthesia in surgery and microsurgery otologic, importance of prosthetic therapy in critically ill patients, Clinical criteria of prosthetic therapy, audiometry prosthetic implant selection, Main otological pathologies and anesthesia related, Head injuries with ear involvement, Main types of  external, middle and inner ear infections, vertiginous syndromes: Meniere's disease, labyrinthine trauma, fistula perilinfatich

Textbook Information

  • M. Maurizi: Audiovestibologia clinica – IDELSON- GNOCCHI
  • G. Rosa – F. Bilotta: Argomenti di anestesia e rianimazione - PICCIN

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Problemi generali e specifici dell’anestesia in chirurgia e microchirurgia otologicaTesto 2: Cap 2
2Importanza della terapia protesica nel paziente criticoTesto 1: Cap 7
3Criteri clinici della terapia protesicaTesto 1: Cap 7
4Audiometria Protesica e Selezione della ProtesiTesto 1: Cap 5 e Cap 7
5Principali patologie otologiche di interesse anestesiologico Testo 1: Cap 6
6Traumi cranici con interessamento auricolareTesto 1: Cap 6
7Principali tipi di infezione a carico dell’orecchio esterno, medio e internoTesto 1: Cap 6
8Sindromi Vertiginose: Malattia di Meniere, traumi labirintici, fistole perilinfatiche Testo 1: Cap 6