English Language

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: SAMANTHA RUSSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The English course aim is to provide the students with the main language structures and the ability to understand and translate English texts of scientific topic. In particular, the students should become familiar with scientific terminology in English.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Detailed Course Content

The English course provides the knowledge of common words and medical terminology relevant to the Auditory System as well as the knowledge  of grammar and syntax necessary to scientific writing. Furthermore, the students are required to analyze the IMRAD structure featuring the most reputable research articles. During the English course, exercises are planned to test the students’ skills in reading and translating scientific papers.

Textbook Information

  1. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard

Professional English in Use, Medicine


2. Roberta Losano

Inglese scientifico, Manuale d’uso

Edizioni Minerva Medica

3.Testo di grammatica a scelta dello studente

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Grammatica: - articoli (a/an, the); -plurale dei nomi: contabili e non contabili; -pronomi personali; pronomi personali complemento; -aggettivi e pronomi possessivi; -genitivo sassone; 3. grammatica a scelta dello studente
2Partitivi: some/any; much/many, a lot of; there is/there are; -How much?/How many? -Pronomi interrogativi -preposizioni. Verbi: to be/to have/have got/to do. 3. grammatica a scelta dello studente
3Tempi verbali: present simple/ present continuous / futuro: (will/ -ing/ to be going to)/ present perfect/ passato/ present perfect continuous + duration form (how long? since/ for)/ past perfect/ past continuous/ past perfect continuous. 3. grammatica a scelta dello studente
4Condizionale presente e passato: would/ should/ could/ would have/ should have/ could have, “if” clauses. Passivo; Modal verbs: can/ could/ be able to/ may/ might/ have to/ must/ may have/ might have/ needn’t/ needn’t have. 3. grammatica a scelta dello studente
5comparativi e superlativi; relative clauses; connettori; nomi composti. 3. grammatica a scelta dello studente
6Introduzione all'Inglese Scientifico : Tipologia di testi scientifici: Research Article, Clinical report, descriptive and informative Abstracts, Literature Reviews. Struttura e formato della scrittura scientifica (IMRAD Structure)Testo 2 - Cap. 2
7Scelte stilistiche dell'Inglese Scientifico: Passive Voice, Noun style; scelte sintattiche dell'Inglese Scientifico: uso dei tempi verbali (Present e Past tense) e dei Modali. Scelte lessicali dell'Inglese Scientifico: compoundingTesto 2 – Cap. 3
8Terminologia Medico-scientifica •Parts of the body: anatomical terms and common words •Functions of the body: The five senses •Allied health professionals: Technicians - Hearing aid technicians: duties and responsibilitiesTesto 1 – Units 1,2,3,4, 8 (B)
9 Research articles, Abstracts and Data presentationTesto 1 - Units 55,56,57,58
10Ear disorders in adults and children; Types of hearing loss; Types of hearing devices - Types of hearing tests.Il materiale didattico relativo a questi argomenti verrà fornito durante le lezioni