Chemistry and biochemistry, biology and genetics 2
Module Biology and genetics

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: CRISTINA BARBAGALLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide a preparation in Biology and Genetics suitable for understanding the basic notions of modern Cellular and Molecular Biology with hints of mendelian and human molecular Genetics. At the end of the module, the student will acquire the basic notions on the morphology and function of cellular systems, as well as on the mechanisms underlying the inheritance of characters and the flow of genetic information contained in the latter. Learning these concepts will therefore make clear to the student the mechanisms of transition from the genotype to the molecular and cellular phenotype, both in physiological and pathological conditions.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons.

If the teaching will be given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

As requested prerequisite, general knowledge on the structure and function of the main biological macromolecules and on cellular informational metabolism is mandatory.

The course will develop as follows:

1) Introduction to the course: the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell;
2) Organic macromolecules: proteins;
3) Organic macromolecules: nucleic acids;
4) DNA, chromatin and chromosomes;
5) Structure and function of genes;
6) Transcription in eukaryotes and prokaryotes;
7) Translation in eukaryotes and prokaryotes;
8) DNA duplication in eukaryotes and prokaryotes;
9) Mitosis and Meiosis;
10) Point mutations and chromosomal aberrations;
11) Fundamentals of Mendelian genetics and human genetics

Textbook Information

Text 1. Biologia e Genetica. G. De Leo, S. Fasano, E. Ginelli. Ed. EdiSES

Text 2. Fondamenti di biologia e genetica. Riccardo PierantoniGilda CobellisRosaria Meccariello. Ed. EdiSES

Text 3. Elementi di biologia e genetica. David Sadava,David M. Hillis,H. Craig Heller. Ed. Zanichelli

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11) Macromolecole biologiche Testo 1 Cap. 1
22) Cellule Eucariotiche e Procariotiche Testo 1 Cap. 2
33) DNA, cromatina e cromosomi Testo 2 Cap. 10
44) Struttura e funzione dei geni Testo 2 Cap. 15
55) Trascrizione negli eucarioti e nei procarioti Testo 1 Cap. 4
66) Traduzione negli eucarioti e nei procarioti Testo 1 Cap. 4
77) Duplicazione del DNA negli eucarioti e nei procarioti Testo 1 Cap. 4
88) Mitosi e Meiosi Testo 1 Cap. 7
99) Mutazioni puntiformi e Aberrazioni Cromosomiche Testo 1 Cap. 10
1012) Genetica mendeliana ed umanaTesto 1 Cap. 11 e 12