Microbiological sciences
Module Bacteriology

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Adriana GAROZZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The student must learn the biological and pathogenic characteristics of microorganisms that play a role in human pathology, with reference to bacteria. He must acquire appropriate knowledge on the relationships between microorganisms and host in normal and pathological conditions, identify the transmission pathways, and know the characteristics, the activity, the mechanism of action and resistance of the main antibiotics and vaccines. The student must also know the main methods for the cultivation and identification of a bacteria. He must acquire appropriate knowledge on the principles of microbiologic laboratory methods including appropriate specimen collection. 

Course Structure

Traditional lectures, with the support of slides and educational videos of some theoretical-practical teaching topics (the films will be available on the Studium page). Students during one of the last lessons will have the opportunity to view some practical activities carried out in the laboratories of Bacteriology.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Introduction to Microbiology:  the microorganisms that infect humans and microorganism-host relationships.
  2. The organization of the bacterial cell: cellular components and metabolism
  3. The bacterial genetics
  4. The pathogenesis of bacterial infection
  5. The main characteristic of principal groups of antibiotics: mechanism of action, the antibiotic resistance and susceptibility testing
  6. Sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis
  7. The diagnostic principles of bacterial diseases
  8. Key features of main bacteria of medical importance: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Neisseria, Mycobacterium, spore-forming anaerobic microorganisms, spore-forming aerobic microorganisms, Enterobacteriaceae, Haemophilus, Brucella, Helicobacter, Chlamydiaceae, Spirochetaceae

Textbook Information

Bendinelli - Chezzi - Dettori - Manca - Morace - Polonelli – Tufano - Microbiologia Medica - Gli agenti infettivi dell' uomo: biologia, azione patogena, laboratorio - Batteriologia MONDUZZI EDITORE 

All students can use didactic material downloadable from the Studium UniCt page at the following link:

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduzione alla microbiologia: agenti patogeni, rapporto microrganismo-ospite.Appunti disponibili su Studium UniCt
2La cellula batterica: struttura, crescita e metabolismoCapitoli 1 e 2
3Genetica batterica.Capitolo 5
4Azione patogena dei batteri.Capitolo 6
5Principi del meccanismo di azione dei farmaci antibatterici e meccanismi di resistenza.Capitolo 8
6Principi di disinfezione e sterilizzazione.Appunti disponibili su Studium UniCt
7Cenni di diagnostica delle malattie batteriche.Capitolo 10
8StreptococchiParte II. Capitolo 13
9StafilococchiParte II. Capitolo 12
10NeisseriaParte II. Capitolo 2
11MicobatteriParte II. Capitolo 16
12Clostridi Parte II. Capitolo 19
13EnterobacteriaceaeParte II. Capitolo 3
14BrucelleParte II. Capitolo 5
15HelicobacterParte II. Capitolo 4 pgr. 6
16ChlamydiaParte II. Capitolo 23
17RickettsieParte II. Capitolo 21 pgr 1