Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field
  • MED/36 - Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy
  • MED/42 - Hygiene and public health
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Radiodiagnostic
    • Radiodiagnostic (radiobiology, radioprotection, principles of justification and optimization)
    • Imaging procedures
    • X-rays production (definition and application of X-ray tube); properties of ionizing radiations (photoelectric effect, Compton effect, ionizations mechanism);
    • Computed Tomography (CT) scanner; (background, evolution, models, components of CT room scanner);
    • Contrast media (classification: radiographic, sonographic, MRI); use of contrast media; adverse reactions;
    • Principles and machines used in Ultrasonography (clinical applications in maternal-fetal contest, etc); clinilcal applications of ultrasonography in adults (liver, spleen, abdominal, thyroid US, etc);
    • Principles of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); MRI scanner; absolute and relative controindications for patients before MRI;
    • Diagnostic process for respiratory disease (pneumothorax, trauma, hemoptysis, pneumonitis, neoplasia, enphysema, pulmonary nodule, pleural effusion); anatomy of chest radiography;
    • Diagnostic process for main gastrointestinal diseases (jaundice, cholecystitis, appendicitis, Crohn);
    • Abdominal X-ray in Emergency Room; imaging of gastrointestinal diseases;
    • Imaging of main uro-genital diseases (renal lithiasis; non-neoplastic and neoplastic bladder diseases; prostate disease; ovarian diseases, scrotal diseases);
    • Imaigng of SNC disease;
    • Radiotherapt and Nuclear Medicine: principles and applications
  • General and applied hygiene.

    Hygiene definition. Demography. Epidemiology. Prevention. Epidemiology and Prevention of Infectious Diseases. Epidemiology and Prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. Epidemiology applied to the environment. Environmental Prevention: study of environment remediation with regard to relations with health. Air pollution: - natural pollution, artificial - Chemical, Pollution, physical and biological - Effects of air pollution meteorology - related disorders to air pollution. Drinking Water: chemistry of -Batteriologia drinking water drinking water -Inquinamento -Treatments of drinking water of purification of surface water and deep water -Disinfection -Effects health. Wastewater Collection and conveyance of wastewater -Treatment of civil waste water, agricultural and industrial - Wastewater recicle - Health Effects. Waste: Waste classification - Waste Disposal - Waste Control - Health Effects. Noise:Definiton - Effects - Measures on health - Legislation. CEM: characteristics and health effects.

Textbook Information

  • Radiodiagnostic

    1) Compendio di Radiologia” di Roberto Passariello e Giovanni Simonetti Editore Idelson – Gnocchi.

    2) Fernando Mazzuccato – Anatomia Radiologica Tecniche e Metodologie in Radiodiagnostica (Piccin)

    3) MRI made easy -Schering ed.

    4) Dall'anatomia all'immagine (Silvia Magnaldi, Luciana Travan). Ed. Poletto ISBN: 8886786948

  • General and applied hygiene.

    1) Maria Triassi, Gabriella Aggazzotti, Margherita Ferrante, Igiene Medicina Preventiva e del Territorio, II edizione, Sorbona, Idelson Gnocchi, Napoli 2015.

    2) Buffoli M, Capolongo S., Odone A, Signorelli C. Salute e Ambienter, EDISES, Napoli 2016.