Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field
  • MED/36 - Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy
  • MED/42 - Hygiene and public health
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Radiodiagnostic

    The student should know main methods and machines used in diagnostic imaging; to understande the diagnostic process of main diseases; to learn how to prepare patients before radiodiagnostic procedures, namely when contrast administration is required

  • General and applied hygiene.

    The course develops skills in the field of health promotion and prevention of infectious and chronic diseases, health and the environment with particular reference to the effects of pollutants on the air, water and soil and their effects on health; knowledge of monitoring protocols in the three environmental compartments.

Detailed Course Content

  • Radiodiagnostic
    • Radiodiagnostic (radiobiology, radioprotection, principles of justification and optimization)
    • Imaging procedures
    • X-rays production (definition and application of X-ray tube); properties of ionizing radiations (photoelectric effect, Compton effect, ionizations mechanism);
    • Computed Tomography (CT) scanner; (background, evolution, models, components of CT room scanner);
    • Contrast media (classification: radiographic, sonographic, MRI); use of contrast media; adverse reactions;
    • Principles and machines used in Ultrasonography (clinical applications in maternal-fetal contest, etc); clinilcal applications of ultrasonography in adults (liver, spleen, abdominal, thyroid US, etc);
    • Principles of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); MRI scanner; absolute and relative controindications for patients before MRI;
    • Diagnostic process for respiratory disease (pneumothorax, trauma, hemoptysis, pneumonitis, neoplasia, enphysema, pulmonary nodule, pleural effusion); anatomy of chest radiography;
    • Diagnostic process for main gastrointestinal diseases (jaundice, cholecystitis, appendicitis, Crohn);
    • Abdominal X-ray in Emergency Room; imaging of gastrointestinal diseases;
    • Imaging of main uro-genital diseases (renal lithiasis; non-neoplastic and neoplastic bladder diseases; prostate disease; ovarian diseases, scrotal diseases);
    • Imaigng of SNC disease;
    • Radiotherapt and Nuclear Medicine: principles and applications
  • General and applied hygiene.

    Hygiene definition. Demography. Epidemiology. Prevention. Epidemiology and Prevention of Infectious Diseases. Epidemiology and Prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. Epidemiology applied to the environment. Environmental Prevention: study of environment remediation with regard to relations with health. Air pollution: - natural pollution, artificial - Chemical, Pollution, physical and biological - Effects of air pollution meteorology - related disorders to air pollution. Drinking Water: chemistry of -Batteriologia drinking water drinking water -Inquinamento -Treatments of drinking water of purification of surface water and deep water -Disinfection -Effects health. Wastewater Collection and conveyance of wastewater -Treatment of civil waste water, agricultural and industrial - Wastewater recicle - Health Effects. Waste: Waste classification - Waste Disposal - Waste Control - Health Effects. Noise:Definiton - Effects - Measures on health - Legislation. CEM: characteristics and health effects.

Textbook Information

  • Radiodiagnostic

    1) Compendio di Radiologia” di Roberto Passariello e Giovanni Simonetti Editore Idelson – Gnocchi.

    2) Fernando Mazzuccato – Anatomia Radiologica Tecniche e Metodologie in Radiodiagnostica (Piccin)

    3) MRI made easy -Schering ed.

    4) Dall'anatomia all'immagine (Silvia Magnaldi, Luciana Travan). Ed. Poletto ISBN: 8886786948

  • General and applied hygiene.

    1) Maria Triassi, Gabriella Aggazzotti, Margherita Ferrante, Igiene Medicina Preventiva e del Territorio, II edizione, Sorbona, Idelson Gnocchi, Napoli 2015.

    2) Buffoli M, Capolongo S., Odone A, Signorelli C. Salute e Ambienter, EDISES, Napoli 2016.