Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 7
Scientific field
  • BIO/09 - Physiology
  • BIO/16 - Human anatomy
  • BIO/17 - Histology
Taught classes: 49 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The course allows the student to acquire the knowledge about the vital functions of man and the cellular mechanisms of the major biological systems. It analyzes the integrated functioning of the different organs and systems of control by which the living organism obtains and maintains the homeostasis inside.

  • Human Anatomy

    The student must be able to demonstrate the knowledge about the structural organization of the human body, at the macroscopic level, and the topographical relationships between the organs, correlating them with their histological structure and their function.

  • Histology

    The Histology module purpose is to provide students with appropriate skills on the processes of histogenesis and human embryology, with a detailed description of human prenatal development in the various stages of development, from the zygote (fertilization) to the embryo (embryogenesis) up to IV week of development and on the fundamental aspects of the tissues of the human body.

Course Structure


    During the course of the lessons there will be written tests and oral interviews in the appeals indicated in the exam calendar.

    The student will receive a pdf of some topics covered in class.

  • Human Anatomy

    Classroom lessons.

  • Histology

    Lectures and exercises.

Detailed Course Content


    1. Functions of plasma
    2. Functions of red blood cells
    3. Function of white blood cells
    4. Hematopoiesis and hemocateresis

    1. Cardiac cycle
    7. The electrocardiogram
    9. Omeometric and eterometric regulation of cardiac output
    6. Blood Pressure and Pressure regulation
    10. Renin-angiotensin system

    1. Mechanics of breathing
    7. Ventilation-perfusion
    8. Gas exchange and transport of respiratory gases
    10. Nervous control of respiration
    13. Ventilatory responses to acidosis and alcalosis

    1. The nephron as a functional unit
    4. Glomerular filtration and measurement of GFR
    5. Mechanisms of tubular reabsorption and secretion
    6. Urine concentration


    1. Motility of the gastrointestinal tract
    2. Secretory phenomena of digestion: saliva and salivary glands; gastric juice; gastric mucosal barrier; pancreatic juice; bile; intestinal mucus; Control of secretions.

    1. Resting and Action potential:
    4. Conduction of nerve impulses
    5. Synaptic transmission


    1. Hormones, general characteristics.
    2. Main glands and produced Hormones
  • Human Anatomy

    Consult the educational program below.

  • Histology

    Histogenesis mechanisms - First stages of embryonic development - Formation of 3 sheets
    germ cells and their differentiation - Stem cells
    - Tissues: definition and classification

    - EPITHELIAL TISSUE: a) Coating epithelia, b) Glandular epithelia
    - TROFOCONNECTIVAL AND SUPPORT Tissues: a) Connective tissue properly so-called b)
    Cartilaginous tissue c) Adipose tissue d) Bone tissue
    - BLOOD
    - MUSCULAR TISSUE: a) Smooth muscle tissue b) Skeletal muscle tissue c) Fabric
    cardiac muscle
    - NERVOUS Tissue

Textbook Information


    - Carbone, Cicirata, Aicardi - Fisiologia: dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati – EDISES

    - Stanfield - Germann – Fisiologia - EDISES

  • Human Anatomy

    Martini, Timmons, Tallitsch – Anatomia Umana – Quinta edizione EdiSES.

    G. Ambrosi et al. - ANATOMIA DELL' UOMO - Edi-Ermes

    Digital Apps: Human Atlas, Visible Body

    PowerPoint presentations

  • Histology


    1. Moore, Persaud, Torchia - Lo sviluppo prenatale dell’uomo, 9° ed.- edra


    2. V. Monesi - ISTOLOGIA 6° ediz.- Piccin

    3. Adamo, Comoglio, Molinaro, Siracusa, Stefanini, Ziparo - ISTOLOGIA per i corsi di laurea in
    professioni sanitarie – Piccin