Audiology I

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Salvatore FERLITO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim of the discipline is to ensure initial knowledge of the physiopathology of the vestibular audio compartment and the dynamics of the interrelationship between the two pertinent districts.

Course Structure

Acoustic physics, anatomical physiology of hearing, physiopathology of hearing, diagnostics of sensorineural and transmissive hypoacusias,

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites

Attendance of Lessons

Mandatory according to the University Regulations

Detailed Course Content

acoustic physics and psychoacoustics

anatomy and physiology of hearing and vestibular

otological and vestibular semeiotic

audiometric techniques

Textbook Information

Otorinolaringoiatria - E. De Campora, P. Pagnini. Elsevier 

Maurizio Maurizi "Audiovestibologia Clinica" . Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi. 2000

Silvano Prosser, Alessandro Martini ''Argomenti di Audiologia'' - Ed. Omega; 2013

Roberto Albera; Oskar Schindler "Audiologia e Foniatria" - Cap.V - Ed Minerva Medica; 2003

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Anatomia dell'orecchio esterno e medioEnrico de Campora; Paolo Pagnini "Otorinolaringoiatria"; Ed Elsevier; 2013
2Anatomia dell'orecchio internoEnrico de Campora; Paolo Pagnini "Otorinolaringoiatria"; Ed Elsevier; 2013
3Anatomia delle vie acustiche centrali Silvano Prosser, Alessandro Martini ''Argomenti di Audiologia'' - Ed. Omega; 2013
4Aspetti funzionali dell'orecchio esternoRoberto Albera; Oskar Schindler "Audiologia e Foniatria" - Cap.V - Ed Minerva Medica; 2003
5Aspetti funzionali dell'orecchio medioRoberto Albera; Oskar Schindler "Audiologia e Foniatria" - Cap.V - Ed Minerva Medica; 2003
6Aspetti funzionali dell'orecchio internoEnrico de Campora; Paolo Pagnini "Otorinolaringoiatria"; Ed Elsevier; 2013
7Caratteristiche funzionali delle vie acustiche retrococleariSilvano Prosser, Alessandro Martini ''Argomenti di Audiologia'' - Ed. Omega; 2013

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Separate written and oral test

If the course is to be taught in a mixed or distance mode, the necessary changes may be made in relation to what has been stated previously, in order to comply with the planned syllabus.

The verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, if the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Differences between transmissive and sensorineural hearing loss.

speed of sound propagation in the various means of transmission

chart by Wegel

External, middle and inner ear functions

physiology of hair cells