Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Scientific field
  • MED/39 - Child neuropsychiatry
  • MED/38 - General and subspecialty paediatrics
  • MED/50 - Applied medical techniques
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psichiatry

    Knowing the basics of mental illness with early onset in childhood and adolescence and their course in adulthood.

  • Pediatrics

    Learning physiology, pathology, clinical and laboratory approach, therapy related to growing individuals, specific issues of preventive pediatrics, pediatric diseases from neonatal age through adolescence

  • Applied Medical Technical Sciences

    The learning outcomes expected at the end of the training course will be the following:

    - knowledge and understanding of the theoretical bases for the study, observation and evaluation of the facio-oral-buccal apparatus in relation to breathing, sucking and swallowing skills and how this matures during the first year of life and in infantile age;

    - ability to apply knowledge both in terms of functional evaluation and in terms of planning the treatment objectives;

    - ability to draw up a logopedic balance relative to the proposed topics;

    - ability to effectively communicate what emerged from the assessment using a specific vocabulary in an appropriate manner;

    - have acquired the bases for a possible autonomous study of the issues addressed, indications about the possibility of finding additional training through bibliographic research and in-depth courses.

Course Structure

  • Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psichiatry

    lessons ad internship

  • Pediatrics

    Academic lessons; practice according to specific calendar scheduled by the Coordinator of the Course.

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

  • Applied Medical Technical Sciences

    The teaching methods used during the course will be as follows:

    - lectures aimed at acquiring knowledge;

    - videos, demonstrations of images, diagrams, materials, graphics;

    - practical exercises with presentation of protocols and evaluation tests,

    - work in a small group for the analysis, processing and interpretation of the results of some clinical cases.

Detailed Course Content

  • Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psichiatry

    Psychomotor development • Mental delay • Learning Disorders: dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, learning disorder not otherwise specified • Communication disorders: Disorder of speech, expression and disorder mixed receptive language, speech disorder, stuttering, communication disorder not otherwise specified •Autism spetrum disorder,, Rett syndrome,• Attention Deficit Disorder / Hyperactivity • Tic Disorders: Tourette syndrome, transient tic disorder, chronic motor tics or vocal • Obsessive compulsive disorder • Anxiety disorders • Mood Disorders • Eating disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia • Enuresis • epilepsies • cerebral palsy microcephaly

  • Pediatrics


    The healthy newborn

    The newborn infant and newborn care

    Low birth weight newborn

    Neonatal asphyxia

    Neonatal jaundice

    Neonatal seizures

    Neonatal infections

    Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome

    Methods to evaluate growth. Bone age

    Breast feeding

    Milk formula

    Neonatal screening


    Growth failure

    Nutritional defects

    Infectious diseases

    Exanthematous diseases

    Viral diseases

    Visceral Leishmaniasis


    Respiratory infections

    Cystic fibrosis

    Celiac disease


    Primary immunodeficiencies


    Endocrine diseases

    Congenital hypothiroidism


    Fever of unknown origin

    Mendelian diseases

    Chromosomic diseases

    Normal hematology values trough childhood



    Sickle Cell Disease

    Iron deficiency anemia



    Leukemias and lymphomas

    Tumours in children

  • Applied Medical Technical Sciences
    • Facio-oro-swallowing functions in the first year of life:
      • Breathing, sucking and swallowing of the newborn;
      • The importance of breastfeeding and the crucial role of the lingual frenulum;
      • The transition to solid nutrition.
    • Facio-oro-swallowing functions in childhood and the transition to adulthood:
      • Craniofacial growth and development;
      • The role of breathing;
      • Orofacial motility.
    • Communication and the onset of language:
      • Linguistic and prelinguistic communication;
      • The evolution of language;
      • The component of linguistic competence.

Textbook Information

  • Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psichiatry

    R. Militerni “Neuropsichiatria Infantile” Eds Idelson Gnocchi
    DSM-V “Manuale Diagnostico e Statistico dei Disturbi Mentali” APA

  • Applied Medical Technical Sciences
    1. Andretta P., La terapia logopedica delle alterazioni delle funzioni orali: squilibrio muscolare orofacciale in età evolutiva, adolescenziale e adulta, in “Logopedia e Comunicazione”, n° 2 Anno 2005, pp. 239-262
    2. Bonifacio S., Hvastja Stefani L. “L’intervento precoce nel ritardo del linguaggio – il modello Interact per il bambino parlatore tardivo” Franco Angeli 2010
    3. Bortolini U., “P.F.L.I. Prove per la valutazione Fonologica del Linguaggio Infantile”, EditMaster, 1995
    4. Bosco A. “Manuale teorico pratico di terapia miofunzionale – Metodo Bertarini”, LCF Edizioni, 2016
    5. Caselli M.C., Casadio P. “Il primo vocabolario del bambino (Questionario MacArthur) , 1995
    6. Cerchiari C., “La valutazione delle abilità di alimentazione nella disfagia infantile”, Tosinvest sanità SRL, 2002
    7. Cerchiari C., “Viaggio nella funzione alimentare del bambino da 0 a 3 anni di età”, Pubblicazione Ospedale pediatrico Bambino Gesù
    8. Schindler O., Ruoppolo G., Schindler A. “Deglutologia” Omega ed 2001 – riedizione 2011
    9. Susanibar F., Dacillo C., “Valutazione della respirazione – protocollo di valutazione logopedica della respirazione con punteggi – ProVaLoRe”, LCF Edizioni, 2015