Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 4
Scientific field
  • MED/32 - Audiology
  • MED/31 - Otorhinolaryngology
Taught classes: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    The teaching aims at knowledge: of the audiological pathologies responsible for deficits in verbal competences and in its qualifying treatment; delays in language development with particular reference to "late talkers" and rehabilitation programs of the fundamentals of the rehabilitation of childhood swallowing disorders, neurogenic dysphagia, post-surgical dysphagia of the fundamentals of the rehabilitation of voice disorders with particular reference to iatrogenies of the fundamentals of the rehabilitation of dysarthria and phoniatric problems connected to cerebrovascular and traumatic events the surgical rehabilitation possibilities of laryngectomized and tracheotomized patients of stuttering rehabilitation of the prevention of articulatory disorders and its rehabilitative pathways

Course Structure


    Frontal teaching

Detailed Course Content


    Passing of second year subjects

Textbook Information


    La sordità prelinguale – A. Martini, Omega Ed.

    Audiologia a foniatria - R. Albera, Ed. Minerva Medica

    Deglutizione e cannula tracheale. Come gestire il bambino disfagico e tracheotomizzato - O. Schindler

    Manuale di foniatria e logopedia -A Amitrano, A Schindler e GRuoppolo - SEU Ed

    La sordità infantile - S. Burdo- Ed ELSEVIER

    La rieducazione tubarica -E Lederlé, J. Kremer Ed Omega

    La balbuzie: prevenzione e terapia - F.P. Murray, Ed Omega