Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 7
Scientific field
  • L-LIN/01 - Glottology and linguistics
  • MED/50 - Applied medical techniques
Taught classes: 49 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Glottology and Linguistics

    This course aims:

    1) at introducing students to the main speculative approaches in the field of linguistic acquisition research.

    2) at providing the students with the theoretical basis and analysis methods of linguistic comunication, of Phonetics and Phonology, of Morphology and Syntax and Pragmatis, needed in order to analyze the relevant data about linguistic acquisition and developement.

  • Language and Communication Disorders in Children and Adolescent

    Acquire knowledge on the neurobiological, cognitive and environmental mechanisms underlyng language and communication disorders.

Course Structure

  • Glottology and Linguistics

    Lectures and laboratory activities

  • Language and Communication Disorders in Children and Adolescent

    frontal lessons

Detailed Course Content

  • Glottology and Linguistics

    The course is divided into three parts.

    The first part (A - The acquisition of language lexicon: theories and methods), to be considered introductory, focuses on the development of denominational activity in children and on the debating issue concerning the acquisition and consequent structuring of the lexicon (with all its grammatical properties).

    The second part (B - Phonetics and Phonology) - based on the knowledge and skills acquired by the students during the Glottology and Linguistics of the first year - is an in-depth study of phonetics and phonology and also it places particular attention on sounds outside the system phonetic of the standard Italian.

    The third part (C - Morphology and Syntax), having framed and given speculative depth to the concepts of “grammar”, “error”, “norm”, and “use” according to the most recent theoretical reflections on it, addresses the two levels of Morphology and Syntax. Concerning Morphology, the lexicon structure and the rules of word formation (derivation, composition, flexion, etc.) are taken into account. Concerning the Syntax, attention is focused on the analysis of the simple sentence, complex sentence, focused sentences, and the way logical and syntactic structures emerge during the evolutionary age.

  • Language and Communication Disorders in Children and Adolescent

    Classification of language and communication disorders. Factors influencing developmental course of language. Developmental language disorders: cognitive processes, semantics, pragmatics, phonology, syntax. Neural correlate. Specific language impairment. Language impairment associated with autism spectrum disorders. Language impairment associated with central auditory processing. disorder, cerebral palsy and other neurological syndromes.

Textbook Information

  • Glottology and Linguistics

    A – The acquisition of language lexicon: theories and methods

    • G. Basile, La conquista delle parole. Per una storia naturale della denominazione, Carocci, 2012, pp. 1-173 [Prefazione Di Tullio De Mauro; Introduzione; 1. Dalle storie alle parole: un’ipotesi funzional-interazionista; 2. Come acquisiamo il lessico di una lingua: i modelli; 3. Il farsi del lessico: acquisizione e sviluppo delle categorie lessicali; 4. La composizione del primo vocabolario del bambino: un confronto interlinguistico].

    B – Phonetics and phonology

    • Federico Albano Leoni, Pietro Maturi, Manuale di fonetica, Carocci, 2017, pp. 19-83 [1.Introduzione e 2.Fonetica articolatoria e trascrizione fonetica].
    • Handouts and notes from the lectures.

    C - Morphology and Syntax

    • S.C. Sgroi, Le tre grammatiche: della comunità, dei parlanti e dei grammatici, in S.C. Sgroi, Per una grammatica “laica”. Esercizi di analisi linguistica dalla parte del parlante, UTET, 2010, pp. 5-12.
    • G. Graffi e S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 113-152 [cap. V: La struttura delle parole: la morfologia].
    • Syntax: Handouts.
  • Language and Communication Disorders in Children and Adolescent

    1. Neuropsichiatria infantile di Roberto Militerni- V Edizione; Idelson Gnocchi (cap. 24)

    2. Language Disorders in Children and Adolescents by Joseph H. Beitchman, E. B. Brownlie Series: Advances in Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Practice - Volume 28 ISBN: 9780889373389 2014, vi/130 pages

    3. teaching material provided by teacher