Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 7
Scientific field
  • MED/25 - Psychiatry
  • MED/45 - Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
  • MED/26 - Neurology
Taught classes: 49 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Psychiatry

    Provide basic concepts of psychiatry with particular attention to the description of the clinic and the major psychiatric disorders.

    The Role of the nurse in the therapeutic management and the rehabilitation of the patient. Identification and management of risk factors and self aggressiveness and towards others of the psychotic patient.


    To provide all students priciples of anatomy, phisiology and neurological diseases;

    to provide students diagnostic and therapeutic findings of main neurological diseaes

    To discuss neurological diseases based on ICF (International classification of functioning)

Detailed Course Content

  • Psychiatry

    Psychiatric semiotics: appearance, motor activity, facial expressions, language, behavior,psychiatric history.

    Psychopathology: attention, consciousness, memory, perception, thought, emotion, aggressive or violent behavior, will, and psychomotor activities, intelligence.

    The classification of mental disorders: DSM-5 and ICD-11.


    Anatomy and phisiology of central and peripheral nervous system

    Main neurological diseases

    Nurse role in historical recording

    Nursing role in managing diagnostic pathway in neurologic unit

    Nursing role in neuropalliative therapy

    Nursing role in managing infusible therapies for neurological patients

Textbook Information

  • Psychiatry

    1) Psicopatologia e Clinica Psichiatrica (a cura di) G.B. Cassano, E. Mundo, UTET ed., Torino, 2007.

    2) Elementi di psichiatria III edizione. F. Bogetto, G. Maina, U. Albert Minerva Medica, Ed. 2015


    1) Pinelli P. "Neurologia - Principi di diagnostica e Terapia" casa editrice Ambrosiana