Psychology and sociology
Module Sociology of cultural and communicative processes

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ROSARIA ADDAMO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to understand the foundations and main tasks of Sociology, in the light of the thinking of its exponents and its most significant processes.

In the first part, a basic knowledge of the theoretical-empirical reflections and acquisitions will be offered, in relation to the different aspects of contemporary reality, in order to identify the specific contribution of this discipline in characterizing the structural dynamics and the processes of change that they cross and qualify society.

In the second part – through the main theoretical-methodological approaches – the student will be introduced to the knowledge of work-organizational phenomena and dynamics, trying to understand their nature, characteristics and relationships with the current social context and making the appropriate connections with the organization of work in the healthcare sector.

The last part will be dedicated to the Sociology of health.

An examination of care relationships will follow, with particular attention to the communicative relationship between Healthcare personnel and Patient.

Course Structure

The didactic activity will be articulated through lectures, with the help of conceptual maps of the most important sociological concepts, theories and institutions. Much space will have been given to the interventions of the students.

Required Prerequisites

No one, in particular.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is mandatory. The permitted absences must not exceed the percentage of the total hours envisaged by the Regulations of the Degree Course.

Detailed Course Content

The meaning of the term Sociology. The different sociological perspectives. The historical-political-cultural origins of the discipline: Enlightenment and Empiricism. The three revolutions. The sources of sociological thought. Company and structure. Durkheim Functionalism. Macrosociological Theories. The Struttural-functionalist approach and its exponents. Theories of Conflict or change and its exponents. Microsociological theories. Symbolic interactionism. Ethnomethodology. The Dramaturgical Model. The theory of exchange. Sociology and cultural processes. Sociology and change: from traditional society to post-modernity. The globalization. Social research. Sociology of work and organizations seen through Organization Theories and Organizational Models. The cognitive approach to organizational culture: sense making. Welfare. Social welfare models in health systems in Western countries. Focus on the organization of the National Health System (S.S.N.). Macrosociological theories in the biomedical paradigm: the functionalist approach and theories of conflict. The relationship between health workers and patients and the phenomenon of Supply Induced Demand (S.I.D.). The paradigm of Sociology of Health explained by Microsociological Theories. Clinical sociology (definition and outline). Communication: the elements and systems of communication. Communication strategies in the relationship between healthcare personnel and patients.

Textbook Information

Croteau, D. – Hoynes, W., Sociologia Generale. Temi, concetti, strumenti. Mc Graw Hill, Milano, the latest editon.


Beccaria, F. – Morchio, M.G., La Salute possibile, Carocci Faber Edition, 2004 (only Chapters 7, 8 and 9).

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to Sociology.Book 1: Chapter I, pages 1 a 6. 
2The rise of Modernity: the three revolutions.Book 1: Chapter I, pages 6 a 9. 
3The foundations of sociological thought.Book 1: Chapter I, pages 9 a 18.
4The main Schools of thought of Sociology: macrosociological and microsociological theories. The main Authors.Book 1: Chapter I, pages 18 a 30.
5Sociology and change: from modern society to post-modern society.Book 1: Chapter I, pages 30 a 34.
6Social Research.Book 1: Chapter II, pages 37 a 88.
7Culture.Book 1: Chapter III, pages 91 a 133.
8The Sociology of Groups and Organizations.Book 1: Chapter V, pages 177 a 211. 
9Social classes and inequalities: welfare policies and welfareBook 1: Chapter VI, pages 213 a 248.
10Deviance.Book 1: Chapter X, pages 345 a 372.
11Communication.Book 1: Chapter XI.
12The Sociology of Health.Book 2: Chapter 7.
13Health in Sociological TheoriesBook 2: Chapter 8.
14The Health Framework.Book 2: Chapter 9.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Learning assessment will take place orally, in the established exams.The evaluation will take into account the mastery of the topics presented and the completeness of the contents, as well as the expository skills and the use of an appropriate language.   

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1 – The historical-political-cultural origins of the discipline.

2 – The sources of sociological thought. Society and structure.

3 – The Macrosociological Theories.

4 – Durkheim's Functionalism.

5 – The structural-functionalist approach and its exponents.

6 – Theories of conflict or change and its exponents.

7 – The Microsociological Theories.

8 – Sociology and change: from traditional society to post-modernity. The globalization.

9 - The Sociology of work and organizations seen through the Theories of Organization and i

       organizational models.

10 – Welfare.

11 – Social-welfare models in the health systems of Western countries. Focus on the organization

        of the National Health System (S.S.N.).

12 – Macrosociological Theories in the Biomedical Paradigm: the Functionalist Approach

         and conflict theories.

13 – The relationship between healthcare personnel and patients and the phenomenon of Supply Induced Demand (S.I.D.).

14 – The Paradigm of the Sociology of Health explained by Microsociological Theories.

15 – Communication: the elements and systems of communication.

16 – Communication strategies in the relationship between Healthcare personnel and Patient.