Psychology and sociology
Module nursing and neuro-psychiatric and rehabilitative techniques

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ANGELO CASA

Expected Learning Outcomes


Quality in healthcare and the ISO 9001 standard. Clinical risk. Quality management. Management, supervision and coordination. Indicators in healthcare. The quality of rehabilitation care.

Prevention and protection.

primordial prevention has the aim of reducing potential risk factors for health to a minimum, avoiding the presence of factors (environmental, economic, social or behavioral) known as determinants for the risk of disease; it is oriented on the determinants of health and disease and not on the level of exposure of the individuals themselves. For example, water control/wastewater management is a primordial prevention, because upstream the polluted water is prevented from reaching those directly involved, or primary prevention also concerns the ban on minors from using alcoholic beverages, which also will have the aim of preventing them from being exposed to risk in advance. - Primary prevention (prevention of occurrence) acts towards those who are not exposed to risk, it acts by removing risk factors, strengthening defenses, acting on the modification of incorrect behaviors (such as smoking, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle...) and environmental modification, for to do this, legal provisions are necessary (for example, to maintain the air, i.e. a determinant of health, at a certain quality, there must be a law that specifies that pollutants in the air must not exceed certain levels), adequate advertising and education in order to provide information; you can also act on social pressure, on the natural, social and work environment. Occupational medicine falls within primary prevention. Behavior modification can also be achieved through information, motivation and adequate services (because the obese patient can be told that it is wrong to always travel by car and never walk, but if there are no adequate public transport the subject he will not have a real alternative to his problematic condition and no results will be obtained). - Secondary prevention (prevention of progression) is instead aimed at the subject who is already ill (even if asymptomatic). It will therefore be necessary to identify those at risk and carry out an early diagnosis. - Tertiary prevention is aimed at the sick individual in whom the disease has already expressed itself (for example in the chronically ill). It is in this sector that rehabilitation works, aimed at improving the quality of life and allowing the patient's social recovery.


The problem of workplace safety arose during the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century during which workers, both due to the unhealthiness of the workplace and the onset of work-related pathologies and accidents, began to organize themselves in order to improve their working conditions both in terms of exploitation and safety and healthiness of the workplace. Following, a brief historical overview of the progress in the legislative field regarding the protection of workers is reported. The key principles of the current system can be traced back to the Constitution of the Italian Republic and the Civil Code in the following articles: • Art. 32 Constitution: The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and interest of the community, and guarantees free treatment to destitute. • Art. 41 paragraph 2 Constitution: Private economic initiative is free. It cannot take place in conflict with social utility or in such a way as to cause damage to health, the environment, safety, freedom or human dignity. • Art. 2087 of the Civil Code: Protection of working conditions. The entrepreneur is required to adopt the measures in the operation of the business which, according to the particularity of the work, experience and technique, are necessary to protect the physical integrity and moral personality of the workers. One of the first decrees aimed at protecting hygiene in the workplace is the Presidential Decree. 303/1956, which regulated the health and safety of workers in the workplace, establishing rules regarding various aspects: - WORKING ENVIRONMENTS - DEFENSE AGAINST HARMFUL AGENTS - HEALTH SERVICES - HYGIENIC AND WELFARE SERVICES - NEW SYSTEMS Subsequently with Legislative Decree 626/94, directives 89/391/EEC, 89/654/EEC, 89/655/EEC, 89/656/EEC, 90/269/EEC, 90/270/EEC, 90/394/ were implemented EEC, 90/679/EEC, 93/88/EEC, 95/63/EC, 97/42, 98/24 and 99/38 concerning the improvement of the safety and health of workers, paying particular attention to the risk faced by the workers themselves may be exposed while carrying out their work.


  The URP plays a central role in public and institutional communication of the Ministry. The Office plays a role of coordination and management of information aimed at ensuring its homogeneity and uniformity and making